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Grace Alice drops season two of “The G-Spot” on Headstuff Podcasts.

Award-winning sex educator, coach, and writer Grace Alice is back for season 2 of ‘The G Spot’ to deliver honest chats – sometimes vulnerable, but always empowering.

The first episode this season features Irish comedian, Anna Clifford, where they talk sex dilemmas, fantasising about an ex, and shaking off sexual shame.

This season brings even more guests that you will love. The lineup includes Activist Natasha O’Brien, Neonatologist Afif El-khuffash, Tattooist and podcaster Eimear O’Reilly, Kink educator Aoife Murray, Cyber-psychologist Nicola Fox Hamilton, and Content creator Nathalie Lennon, to bring you the best mix of relationship insights and advice from all walks of life.

Grace Alice says, “I am absolutely buzzing to share Season 2 of The G Spot! I was genuinely blown away by the reaction to Season 1. So many people have reached out and told me how great it is to hear an Irish voice discuss sex so openly in a sensitive yet fun, shame-free way. We have covered lots more topics – some are juicy, some are more delicate, and I think listeners are going to really connect to both the dilemmas and our fabulous guests again this season. I am really proud that The G Spot is playing a powerful role in pushing toward a more sex-positive, sex-literate Ireland.”

The G-spot promises another season of unfiltered conversation, insight, and laughter.

Episodes drop every Wednesday starting October 30th. Listen to episode one here!