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84: How Do We Talk About Suicide, Mark? podcast artwork

Basically...with Stefanie Preissner
84: How Do We Talk About Suicide, Mark?

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Show Notes

This episode focuses on suicide and may be triggering for some listeners. You can find a list of supports here.
This week, Stefanie speaks with Mark Smyth, consultant clinical psychologist and 2020 President of the Psychological Society of Ireland. Although it is a conversation no one wants to have, Mark highlights why it is important to have conversations about suicide, how to talk to people about suicide and how to offer support. He emphasises that you should go to your GP or local A&E if you are in immediate danger. There are plenty of services and training available for people who want to prepare for conversations about suicide and to learn how to support that person, including ASIST Training and Safe Talk
Mark talks about the guidelines, devised by Headline and the Samaritans, which journalists use when reporting on suicide, and how these guidelines unfortunately are not followed on social media and the harmful effect this can have within a community.
Useful Links:
Headline: https://headline.ie/
Shine: https://shine.ie/support/  Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/samaritans-ireland/   ASIST Training: https://www.youth.ie/training/asist-applied-suicide-intervention-skills-training/  Safe Talk: https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/4/mental-health-services/connecting-for-life/training/types-of-training/safetalk.pdf 
You can support Stefanie and the show on HeadStuff+
Follow Stefanie on Instagram @StefaniePreissner
Thanks to Cathal O’Gara for our artwork and our music is from Only Ruin.
This episode of Basically is sponsored by Rockwell. Feel free to check them out at rockwellfinancial.ie/basically