Show Notes
We may still be on holiday but that doesn't mean you have to go another week with no Sweet Valley nonsense in your ears! In anticipation of the 'Winners and Losers' cheerleading trilogy, we're sharing the episode of our bonus series Pi Beta Alpha in which we recapped the TV series' attempt to adapt the series in one short episode. Brace yourselves - our favourite himbo is making his on screen debut this week! But hang on, surely that Seinfeld-dressalike can't be Ken Matthews?! Alas the casting of Karyn's beloved quarterback leaves a lot to be desired, but there's still much to enjoy in this week's ep, as new girl Heather Malone implausibly becomes co-captain of the cheerleaders and Jessica forms a rival team with a little help from "flashy" Lila. Meanwhile Liz is dodging Ken - and not because she shares our horror at this imposter.