Show Notes
Dubland drops this week with middle aged men in cycling high heels which isn't enough to lighten PJ's form, he's having a mare of a week. There's more talk of PJ's finances with Eoin McGee and just a touch of light defamation. He's giving up on getting a house, but Suzanne isn't ready to give up on him getting a house, so she starts pitching TV shows based on the topic, and dating shows, and the merging of the two. Which leads to discussion about First Dates and PJ's history of dating dead women. We get the romantic genesis of Suzanne and Joey's relationship, so PJ gives us his break up process and cycles of torment. The burning question of whether he deserves love or should be given an adult orphan rages through the episode, all including a very PJ conclusion. We learn that we're all into weird things and that sex is New Year's Eve. There's the great battle of the toaster steak VS. the pergola. And loads more!
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