Show Notes
In 1999 Daphne and Celeste burned pop music to the ground. They arrived from New York and released their debut single “ooh Stick you” and almost instantly had a hit. But there was more to Daphne and Celeste then the kitch pop tracks. They couldn’t take their newfound pop career seriously. They were astonished by straight faced interviewers asking their favourite vegetable. They would turn cheery kid’s tv presenters to defensive grumps as they lied their way through interviews and giggled uncontrollably. Essentially they were inventing trolling. The media cooked up controversy around their second record “U.G.L.Y” charging Daphne and Celeste with advocating bullying. The situation today would surely require media analysts or PR experts but Daphne and Celeste effortlessly batted the controversy away with eye-rolls and bored answers. It was quite spectacular. The girls wanted to see how far they could push it which led to them booking their infamous appearance at the Reading. They ignored all advise and performed to a crowd of 50,000 furious rock fans at the Reading Festival during which they were continuously pelted with bottles food and as you will here a wheelchair. After the breakup of Daphne and Celeste, both girls had successful acting careers. Daphne (Real Name Karen Di Concetto) is also a successful television writer (She was exec Producer of “Recovery Road” on ABC) and Celeste continues to act (she previously appeared in an episode of 30 Rock). Recently producer Max Tundra contacted the girls about reforming and this collaboration spawned a successful album and reunion tour. The genius of Daphne and Celeste was they didn’t pretend to be anything other then what they were, which was a flash in the pan novelty act. But weirdly it is this very self awareness that has us still talking about them 18 years later. [Email The Show](mailto:[email protected]) **Follow Gearoid** Twitter: [@gearoidfarrelly](https://twitter.com/gearoidfarrelly) Instagram: [gearoidfarrelly](https://instagram.com/gearoidfarrelly) Facebook: [/gearoidfarrelly](https://facebook.com/gearoidfarrelly) **Follow Daphne And Celeste** Twitter: [](https://twitter.com/Daphne_Celeste)[@Daphne_Celeste](https://twitter.com/Daphne_Celeste) Instagram: [](www.instagram.com/daphneandceleste)[daphneandceleste](https://instagram.com/daphneandceleste) Facebook: [](www.facebook.com/daphneandceleste)[/daphneandceleste](https://facebook.com/daphneandceleste) [Go to the Daphne And Celeste store](https://daphneandceleste.tmstor.es) **Follow Max Tundra** Twitter: [](https://twitter.com/maxtundra)[@maxtundra](https://twitter.com/maxtundra) Instagram: [](www.instagram.com/maxtundra)[maxtundra](Https://instagram.com/maxtundra) Facebook: [](www.facebook.com/maxtundra)[/maxtundra](https://facebook.com/maxtundra) [Buy Max’s Music on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B000APCCYC?redirectedFromKindleDbs=true)