Show Notes
**Fear/Fun #2 - Phobias ** Once again, the Fear/Fun crew gathered in Bello Bar in Dublin to ask the question "what is your biggest fear?" Claire Beck was joined by TV3 and Today FM presenter Muireann O'Connell and Sing Along Social and Castaway Buffet host Anna Jacob. All three discuss their entirely weird phobias (HeadStuff editor Alan also makes a guest appearance to explain Claire so she doesn't have to puke while doing so) As it's Valentine's Day, they also explore some phobias around love and commitment, and a round of Guerilla Problem Solving gets real. DJ // Radio Presenter // Writer Twitter: @Clairebeck1052 Spotify / Instagram: @clairisbeckis Fear/Fun Podcast Live Recording on January 10th https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/fearfun-live-recording-tickets-41308201944 Winter Warmer DJ mix: https://m.mixcloud.com/ClairisBeckis/claire-beck-dj-mix-1-winter-warmer/