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Bewitched Butter

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In episode 205 of Fireside, we have a tale of betwitching curses and fairy doctor cures - The Hanlon family has a beloved Kerry cow. but when the daughter of the rival family offers her services, the cow suddenly stops giving milk. So the Hanlon's seek the help of the local wandering soul, who has all the cures for just such an occasion...
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Source: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fairy-Folk-Tales-Ireland-Slip-Cased/dp/1784289124/ref=sr_1_14?crid=230ZHLTKJG9UX&keywords=irish+fairy+and+folk+tales+yeats&qid=1668526428&sprefix=irish+fairy+and+folk+tales+yeats%2Caps%2C50&sr=8-14
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