Show Notes
It's Walton week on I Know That Face. Walton Goggins that is. Andrew and Stephen set out to cover the prolific character actor's career from his humble beginnings in Robert Duvall's The Apostle through his scene stealing turns in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight right up to his most recent role in Amazon's Fallout. Don't think we forgot about his star making roles in The Shield and Justified. Well we did but No Encore host Dave Hanratty didn't and he came in at the 11th hour to help us out with those.
Twitter: @Andrew_Carroll0
Twitter: @StephenPorzio
I Know That Face
Twitter: @IKnowThatFaceP1 / Instagram: @iknowthatface / Facebook: @iknowthatfacepod
Edited by Andrew Carroll and Stephen Porzio
Intro and Outro Music: No Boundaries (motorik groove) by Keshco.
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