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What are Hiccups?
They have surely tortured every single one of us at some pint or another but why do we get them and do they serve a purpose? Episode Let us broaden your mind, as you wash your behind. Episode 47 of In The Shower with Taz and Marcus asks; What are hiccups?...
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Are Humans Good or Evil?
We're surrounded by alot if doom and gloom at the moment, between refugee crisis, the current political state state in America and so much else, but we're also seein...
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Why Do We Cry When We're Sad?
You've been broken up with or even worse, your pet hamster dies, you're first reaction is to wail, but why? What causes tears to stream from your eyes and not your n...
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Why Does Helium Make Your Voice Go Squeaky?
We've all played with it at birthday parties and have been mesmerized by what it does, but how exactly does it work? Episode 43 of In The shower with Taz and Marcus ...
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What Does OK Mean?
It has to be one of the most universally used words out there but what does it mean? Is it an abbreviation and if so, what does it stand for? Episode 42 of In The Sh...
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What are Allergies?
As soon as the winter ends and we look forward to a bit of heat it's always the same. With the sun comes the pollen, and when you’re supposed to be out frolicking th...
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