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98:  #98 | Craictivism: Motherfoclóir Meets Lisa Nic An Bhreithimh podcast artwork

98: #98 | Craictivism: Motherfoclóir Meets Lisa Nic An Bhreithimh

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Show Notes

As the 2010s draw to a close, we’ll be looking back at one of the most significant decades in the Irish history since the Civil War. It is a decade that began and ended with wēijī (crisis-opportunity) moments for Ireland’s relationship with the European Union, as well as two landmark referenda that sparked a wave of activism.

So who better to chat about all this with than Lisa Nic An Bhreithimh? Lisa works at European Movement, an NGO promoting the work of the EU in Ireland. She was also involved in the Irish language flanks of the referenda on Marriage Equality and on the Eighth Amendment. She tells Darach about being a critical friend to the EU, the opportunities Irish has created and its role in campaigning and the importance of language in creating tolerance and understanding.

You can find out more about the European Movement at https://www.europeanmovement.ie and about ShoutOut at http://www.shoutout.ie


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