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6: What is happening to sex?
Can we talk about this? Great. There is a lot going on.
Women around the world who have been sexually harassed are speaking out about what happened to them and not feeling the repercussions themselves, to the point where reports of sexual violence ha...
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5: What is the business of being an artist?
You might think that when you're trying to be a professional creative that you can just build it and they will come? Oh no no no no.
You may see many succes...
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Where is my home? Bonus: Pat Dolan from Institute For Lifecourse And Society, NUI Galway
If you listened to the 'Where is my home' episode of Overinformed, then you know already why we have posted the full interview of Pat Dolan.
It was too good to ...
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4: Where is my home?
Oh I should have had a regular income by now?
Oh I should be thinking about a mortgage right now?
Oh the rent's gone up again?
Oh wasn't this all supp...
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3: Why are we so afraid of boredom?
A historian, a technologist and a philosopher walk into a recording studio and talk about boredom? What do they say? Press play.
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2: What is political correctness?
Political Correctness is like trying to squeeze room-temperature butter with plastic yellow kitchen gloves. Its much harder to get a grasp on than you may think and ...
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