Show Notes
This week on Sparking Change, Dil takes some time from her holiday to speak to Niamh Darcy, one of the owners of Morriscastle Strand Holiday Park (more info here). Morriscastle Strand Holiday Park is a 4 star Fáilte Ireland recommended tourist Caravan, Camping, Motorhome and private Mobile Home Park located in the Sunny South East of Ireland, Co Wexford. The Holiday Park is owned and operated by brother and sister – Hugh and Niamh Darcy – with this present generation carrying on the family business that was started by their entrepreneurial parents Ed and Ria Darcy in 1969. Their brothers Riain and Eoin both worked in the business at different times over the years lending their expertise to various aspects of Morriscastle. Ria was the financial wizard and it was her backbone, strength and accounting skills that kept the Park going through difficult times supporting Ed’s determination and belief in Morriscastle, bringing the Holiday Park to where it is today. Ed will never retire so they’ll be building and developing the Morriscastle dream for years to come! In this episode Dil and Niamh talk about all sorts, from the mental health benefits of an outdoor-style holiday to Niamh’s advice for beginner campers, as well as the best type of tent to buy. Niamh also discusses the charities that the campsite supports, including the 4,000 euro they have raised the each of the past four years for the local Hope Cancer Support Centre. They also discuss peoples’ reluctance to camp and why everyone should give it a try.