Show Notes
Cake is more decadent than brioche or stollen, in that it is leavened with eggs, enriched with butter, and sweetened with sugar.
To quote Nicola Humble, author of Cakes, A Global History: “Cakes are very strange things, producing a range of emotional responses far out of keeping with their culinary significance.”
The idea of cake opens many questions. Did the ancient Romans, who nibbled on honey flatbreads, have “cake”? Can a cake be a tart, a pastelito, or a bun? Do you buy a cake in a bakery, make it from a box, or compose it from scratch? Why do the Spanish avoid fruit in their cakes? What is a perfect Brazilian, Irish, or Chinese cake? How do you make cake when you do not have access to an oven? When do you eat cake; is it for dessert or is it something you nibble throughout the day? Do you eat cake with savoury things, like in dim sum and afternoon tea?
In this episode, we try to explore all of the above and talk about favourite recipes, our best bakers and cookbooks, our personal baking failures, and why only to trust a cake recipe from someone who is middle-aged.
Mentioned in this episode:
Nicola Humble, Cake, A Global History
Euzana Foran: Bola de Fubá
Graham Herterich, Bake
Honey Bun www.honeybun.ie
Aran Bakery: www.arankilkenny.ie
Theodora Fitzgibbon: Gur Cake www.facebook.com/donalskehan/photos/a.184230568281714/686215414749891/?type=3
Maida Heatter and Book of Great Desserts