Show Notes
The Suss is back with more news, perspectives, current affairs and craic. Glenn and Steph are joined by two guests, both of whom are communicating issues faced by a locked out generation. Fionn Rogan (@fionnrogan) has written recently for The Irish Times about the impact of the gig economy on millennials and has recently started campaigning to highlight the need to move away from Ireland’s minimum wage to a 'Living Wage’. Also in studio this week is Jana Lyons, campaigner with Glor (@glorteachers) and trade union activist with the INTO. Jana is part of a group of teachers campaigning to highlight the lower starting salaries imposed on primary teachers since 2011. Ireland’s media receives a couple of thumbs down this week, both for developing levels of closeness between media outlets and the Strategic Communications Unit and the news hysteria with BeastFromTheEast, #StormEmma. Seals of approval this week went to Stormzy speaking truth to power at the Brit Awards and a call by Aoife Moriarty for the law on unpaid internships to change, Closing music – Death Sentence by Alien She