Show Notes
A brave new world! Glenn and Steph bask in the aftermath of the referendum on the 8th Amendment and ponder ‘what’s next’ for a society absolutely gagging for an overhaul. There’s loads to digest as notions of ‘Middle Ireland’ and an urban/rural divide are absolutely blown away. We talk about our heroes of the campaign and take issue with pundits trying to frame Repeal campaigners as somehow being mean to those who voted No. There’s also much to consider in terms of how this will all impact on the political landscape on both sides of the border. The energy gathered to push through such a monumental change could be a game-changer for other pressing social issues. Can Ireland grab the bull by the horns? We ponder if the hope furnished by the comprehensive victory for YES can weave its way into the fight against a worsening housing/homelessness crisis, the grotesque institution that is Direct Provision and the links that still exist between Church and State. #8thRef #Repealedthe8th #EndDP #mynameis #SeparateChurchandState Closing track – Ketamine by Versatile