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My Life Told Through GTA

This week on the pod with the exciting news that a new GTA trailer is soon to drop, I take a trip down memory lane and tell you exactly where I was in my life at the time of each Rockstar Games release.

Also all the games ranked PLUS an exciting...
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36 Things To Know at 36

This week on the pod I'm giving you 36 pieces of life advice that I have learned in my 36 years. These vary from cooking, career, love, friendship and even some hack...
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Pouring One Out For Islands Edge

This week on the pod, I'm talking about the joys of bunking (not DEbunking), I pour one out for Islands Edge and give an old school pod with 10 random words.

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Pumpkins Suck

This week on the podcast, how I got stuck in a pumpkin patch and how I FINALLY passed my driving test.


If you like this pod and would enjoy hea...
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62 and Jacked

This week on the pod, someone thought my 62 year old Dad was me, and I've got some feelings about that.


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15 Things Will Smith SHOULD Have Been Cancelled For!

Clickbait title! I've compiled a list of 15 cancellable offenses that Will Smith could have committed without losing me as a fan. You won't BELIEVE number 11!
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Get to know the host!

Young Hot Guys Host Tony Cantwell

Tony Cantwell