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Are We Not Monkeys?

This week on Patreon, we're exploring a foolproof way to overcome addiction and discussing how a new job opportunity is challenging some of my long-standing beliefs.

Enjoy my (beloved) Medicis!

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How To Write A Story pt 1

This week on the pod, you can find me down the middle aisle of Al's Toy Barn cause I'm buzzing to be back in the shed. I've been delving into "Storyworthy" by Matthe...
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How to Win and Lose by Logic

This week on the pod I'm chatting about my son beat me with logic, why I carry 60kg of glass jars everywhere I go and why friends don't let friends dance with kni...
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To commemorate my exciting new collaboration with none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger (you might've heard my voiceover in his new Lidl ad), I'm going all out fo...
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Cantwell's BACK! ALRIGH!

I'm back baby! Oh I missed you so. I'm recapping the summer, how an alien fella almost made me cancel a gig and remembering what a comedown is.

Enjoy and kee...
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Cantwell's BACK! ALRIGH!

I'm back baby! Oh I missed you so. I'm recapping the summer, how an alien fella almost made me cancel a gig and remembering what a comedown is.

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Get to know the host!

Young Hot Guys Host Tony Cantwell

Tony Cantwell