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S1 Ep16: What Would You Do If You Got A Death Threat?
Can you imagine anything worse than getting death threats? The fear it must put into you.
This week we’re looking at what we’d do if someone does start threatening to kill you and how you should handle it.
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S1 Ep15: What Would You Do If You Were Melting?
Heatwave season is upon us (apparently) and it's scorching out. With Callum's favourite phrase being "Ah, I'm melting," it makes sense that this week we'd talk ab...
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S1 Ep14: What Would You Do If You Got A Puppy?
Thinking about getting a puppy? They’re demanding, time-consuming and expensive – but they’re also a lot of fun. This week, we’re looking at our experience of hav...
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S1 Ep13: What Would You Do If It Was Freaky Friday?
Imagine it's Freaky Friday. You've just woken up in someone else's body and you're not sure why. What would you do?
This week, we're realising ho...
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S1 Ep12: What Would You Do If You Were In London?
We’re on the road and have arrived at London! What Would You Do If? is finding out exactly what you should do when you’re a tourist in England's capital.
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S1 Ep11: What Would You Do If You Failed Your Exams?
If you're in school, you might be freaking out about what happens if you fail your exams. Realistically, you probably won't – but the worry is always there, init?...
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