Show Notes
Since beginning the show last year, we have tackled many of the lesser talked aspects of Ireland’s food industry in our episode themes, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Today’s programme continues in that vein, as we look deep into one of the countries most treasured foodstuffs: Crisps We have been so fortunate to speak to guests who are extremely immersed and passionate in what they do, but no more so than today's guest Christine Orford who is a contributor to A Blog About Crisps (https://ablogaboutcrisps.blogspot.com/), which is the country's leading voice in crisp criticism and review. This episode was a joy to record, and includes a variety of expert crisp reviews, a load of laughs and a 4 pack of Tuborg. Check out there 100th review here https://ablogaboutcrisps.blogspot.com/